I can hardly believe they are just about 4 weeks old (a day away). They are growing like crazy. There are some big ones and some small ones. Some white all the way to grey and back. I can already see a few suspect roosters (including Sophie - every … flippin' time).
The eggs in the incubator are doing well. I'm down to 32 eggs from 51. The rest were infertile - minus 2 - which were quitters. One early around day 5, the other more recently. It had a small chick inside, smaller than it should be. I'm a little disappointed but that kind of thing happens. Next candling will be on Wednesday, May 22 when they go into lockdown. I am very much looking forward to seeing these babies. Among them are some :
Barred Rock
Black Australorpe
Crested Polish
Bantam Silkie
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Lavender Orpington
Buff Orpington
Bantam Cochin
Easter Eggers
Booted Bantam
So many breeds! All are purebreds except 1 small black bantam egg, 1 white cochin egg and 1 olive egg from my own flock. At some point this summer we will be building some separate spaces so I can separate my flocks next year to get my own purebred eggs, although I thoroughly enjoy the mixed breed chickens. This way I can try to make a little money, just enough to pay off my incubator and make better changes to my chicken coop.
Today we put Vaseline on the chickens that had the worst legs, well best we could. We did it in the evening and it was a little easier because we just plucked them off their roost, put their Vaseline on, then put them back. Tomorrow I will do the ones I missed. I'll have to block off their escape route.
In bunny news, Buttercup has gotten much tamer. Amelie had a birthday sleepover and the girls toted him everywhere, of course when he cut his little foot and I was tending him he scratched me.
Here are some updated pictures of the little chicks :
The eggs in the incubator are doing well. I'm down to 32 eggs from 51. The rest were infertile - minus 2 - which were quitters. One early around day 5, the other more recently. It had a small chick inside, smaller than it should be. I'm a little disappointed but that kind of thing happens. Next candling will be on Wednesday, May 22 when they go into lockdown. I am very much looking forward to seeing these babies. Among them are some :
Barred Rock
Black Australorpe
Crested Polish
Bantam Silkie
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
Lavender Orpington
Buff Orpington
Bantam Cochin
Easter Eggers
Booted Bantam
So many breeds! All are purebreds except 1 small black bantam egg, 1 white cochin egg and 1 olive egg from my own flock. At some point this summer we will be building some separate spaces so I can separate my flocks next year to get my own purebred eggs, although I thoroughly enjoy the mixed breed chickens. This way I can try to make a little money, just enough to pay off my incubator and make better changes to my chicken coop.
Today we put Vaseline on the chickens that had the worst legs, well best we could. We did it in the evening and it was a little easier because we just plucked them off their roost, put their Vaseline on, then put them back. Tomorrow I will do the ones I missed. I'll have to block off their escape route.
In bunny news, Buttercup has gotten much tamer. Amelie had a birthday sleepover and the girls toted him everywhere, of course when he cut his little foot and I was tending him he scratched me.
Here are some updated pictures of the little chicks :
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Brownie 4 weeks old (also Sophie looking sassy) |
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One of my many black chicks. |
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Cookie week 4 |
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Darkside - William's 4 week old silkie x |
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4 week old possible silkie x |
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Sophie - so pretty. Please be a hen. |
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Nolan's chick Speedy. I can't explain him. |