
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Day 8

Officially have 33 eggs left in the incubator. The rest were infertile - so no babies growing in them, except one that had a blood ring which means early death. But it was actually a blood ring by day 5 so really early death.

The rest are growing like crazy and moving around in their eggs. Even Polly and Pocket have each an egg in there that I am beyond curious to see what hatches out.

The chicks in the brooding coop got most of their identifying zip ties off. With their feathers coming in it's easier to tell which chick belongs to who. The only ones that kept their zips were one of Nikki's grey chicks, one white silkie x chick and I believe Amelie's brown chick Brownie. The rest were cut off. When they grow up if they are keepers or broodies or if I need to tell them apart from someone else in the flock I will give them a big zip tie.

Speaking of broodies … mine are not broody this year. I'm pretty sure it's the big coop. It's pretty busy in there. I'm in the middle of cleaning it out. I figure if I do a little bit every day it will eventually get done. We will be putting in new roosts, re-arranging the laying boxes, perhaps insulating the pig side, although … we shall see. I might house my extra roosters over winter with the piggies. I hope I get a broody or two this year, it's so much easier to raise chicks with a hen watching over them.


We opened the side of the big barn up so the chickens are encouraged to go behind there and clean up the ticks. The kids like to play there so we shall be feeding the chickens behind the barn for a while.

The rest of May is incredibly busy and packed with things to do. Time till hatch day is going to go quickly.

Also. In bunny news. Buttercup doesn't like me that much. I think he's kind of coming around … but also not. I cleaned his little pen today and he immediately messed it up and pooped everywhere. Bunnies are way more temperamental than chickens. 

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