
Thursday, January 20, 2011

30 days of truth ~ Day 09 - Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted

Another easy one. Two people actually. (I can change the rules whenever I want)

First. My childhood friend Christine.

We were so weird. Seriously, but we had fun. Lots of it. Climbing on things we weren't supposed to. Once she took me trapping (?). It required lots of hiking and looking at traps that she'd set out for furs. I was absolutely incapable of such ingenuity at the time, not sure I appreciated it. We looked at a lot of stars, had a lot of sleepovers. She appreciated me in a way nobody else could. She 'got' me. Then she went to a different school. The actual distance between us was the same, but mentally we definitely drifted.

She was her and I was me. But in different schools, with different plans. I played volleyball and I don't think she played volleyball much. We definitely drifted apart. I sent her a letter once, when I was younger. I apologized for ... something about chocolates. I think I ate them when we were in (is thinking) ... grade ... 5 or 6 or something. SR. Elizabeth was our teacher. I remember it made a big fight, but I can't remember the details. After that letter I really didn't hear from her again.

Until recently. Facebook helped me find her. She has a little boy. Cute. Looks just like her. Older than Amélie I think. I wouldn't even know what to say anymore. How crazy is that. :(

Second. My high school friend Jennifer.

We were rockstars of the funniest kind. She REALLY got me. I could be as weird as I want and she also forgave my Star Trek infatuation. She was a year ahead of me in school. I don't actually remember a lot of my school years. I don't know why, but I know Jenn and I were best buds. She helped me with Math and science and even when she went to U of S, we were friends. I wish I could describe more fun stuff we did, but I can't, because I don't remember. :( She was my best friend and that's all I remember and I missed her like bees and honey go together.

We drifted when she went to Holland. Not so much at first, but later on when she stayed there. I remember the day she left ... I didn't go. I don't know why. My mom says I have major issues with people leaving me, apparently since I was a kid. I don't like goodbyes. (sigh) I'm not very good at being a friend but I'm getting better all the time. I have so many letters I never sent. Packages that never got mailed because I thought it was dumb of me. I never knew how to say that I missed her like crazy. I knew Mark before he knew me ;) He's her husband. I remember going to Jennifer's before she went there and talking to him online. HAHAHA MARK!! I remember you and that first meeting.

Jenn is also back in the land. Living not that far away. She's been back a little while now and again ... I didn't know what to say and ... I got scared. What? You ask. I know. When she came back I was uber excited but so many people were also uber excited and ... I was jealous because I had been there for a long while but all these people were acting like THEY had been there all along and she was UBER happy to see them! (dark secrets I tell ya). Maybe they emailed her more than I did. Obviously so, because they acted like it. Now I feel bad for feeling that way, but 'tis the truthful story. I thought it would die down and I would get my turn, but I guess I got cold feet. So, I felt like people came between us and ... I just let it be like that. (Okay seriously, what is with all the tearyness ... I'm going to be dehydrated by the end of this 30 days challenge) I remember not being invited to a party and when I asked about it ... was told only close friends and family were going ... you know so ... (Jenn did not say this to me, it was another party ... goer?) I didn't want to start a fight, or a problem, plus ... I figured ... they were right. I hadn't been there all along ... and it's true, in hindsight.

So I still miss her. She has her own close friends and her family is rockstar (They always have been, cousins and what not) and I have my own new friends and my family who is also rockstar. Plus now she has the CUTE-est little baby girl (brand new by like 8-9 days).

These two people played big roles in my life. I love them and miss them! Life goes on I suppose. Sigh.

Not a very funny post again. BLAH.


Gayle said...

I am happy to see you opening up Corinne :) keep it up

Unknown said...

Ok this made me cry. I like your funny ones make a funny one!!!
We do grow away from our highschool/school buddies tho sad but true. that is why were are blessed with siblings and cousins.
Your a good friend Corinne your sweet and kind and you sure make my parents laugh all they have to do is think about their most recent visit and they are laughing.
As for Star trek awww gosh we have to accept everyones flaws. hahahaha!!

Dorothy said...

Reading this reminded me of a girl I used to do everything with in Grade 6....until she moved away. I also found her on facebook, and other than "Hey this is Dorothy from Grade 6 in Raymore" I didn't know what else to say. I do remember how much I used to miss her, but now it's like, awkward.