
Sunday, January 16, 2011

30 days of truth ~ Day 05 - Something you hope to do in your life

Easy. Lots of things. A great many things. Whatever I want. Be a good wife. Be a good mom. Be a good sister. Daughter. Grandmother. Sister-in-law. All those things. A good friend. Aunt.

I really hope to do something great. Maybe I'll write that book that is churning in my mind. I wanted to have babies. I did. Two fantastic babies.

Hm. What do I want to do in my life? Hm.

I want to live it.

Interesting fact : Every day has the opportunity to be an adventure of the most epic proportions. 

Besides before I can do anything else in my life I have to survive my sister being in labor. Do you think they just leave the 'gas' in the room, unsupervised?? (For research purposes of COURSE. This way I can try them without worrying about putting a baby at risk. AND if they work I won't feel ANY of her contractions.) Win/Win.


Unknown said...

Gas?? you mean Oxygen. bring cards a dvd player and some music . Gayle may not feel like dancing but you may wish to entertain her. LMAOOOO @ win/win

Corinne Linfitt said...

No. I mean gas. They have an assortment of gassy drugs they use now a days ... or maybe it's always been. Dunno.