
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 20

20 days into quarantine.

I have no idea what is going on in the outside world. That's not entirely true, I somewhat am aware of what is happening out there but am blissfully unaware of the severity. I haven't left the house more than once in 20 days. I may be going to st louis tomorrow to drop off some eggs, but perhaps not. Perhaps Corey will go.

I should get more details about what's going on with the virus but I also know my anxiety couldn't quite handle it yet so for now I will read the highlights that seem important to me. Stay home, school the kids, hatch the chicks, clean the house.

The schooling was okay today. William finished most of his stuff (we can't get his French stuff figured out but we'll work on it next week), Nikki is a keener and finished about 30 seconds after her teacher was done talking. Amélie has not started on any of her work, except math which hurt my brain. I'm disappointed in myself because I love math but explaining it to someone who doesn't want to learn it is very difficult.

I got absolutely none of my own work done today. Tomorrow I will have to focus on that in order to finish up one class and take another class.

We also had a very sad loss today. J-Feathers, our unique little chick that wasn't growing feathers passed away. Amélie is heartbroken. She always takes it pretty hard. We had some good news though and had a chick hatch today! It's all black with yellow tipped wings. I'm thinking it's very likely a barred rock x hen. The ones that grow to be all black, (obviously).

I also put a new hen with Phoenix and realized … he has no idea what is going on LOL. He tried but … no … so I'm going to let the girls out and keep one hen with him and the chicks. He's not quite ready - which is okay too - but disappointing. He may do a lot of growing once the weather is better and they can all be outside!

There is one more pipped egg in there and hopefully there will be lots of action tonight and tomorrow. Most of these chicks will be going to their new home on Monday, so they better hatch by then.

Also - I got a new incubator! That's right - I now have two. Boo. Yah. I have the second one settling in right now and over the next few days I will adjust as needed and then start a second hatch while the other one finishes up and gets cleaned.

I am very excited for all the new babies! 

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