
Sunday, July 10, 2011


At the end of June, something incredibly traumatic happened to me. My son pulled my lap top down while I was working on it and it fell and snapped my USB. My life flashed before my eyes. So did his. Luckily, we both survived.

After absolutely freaking out (insert a panic scream here) I went into save mode and decided to try and save as much as possible. The only thing I managed to save ... was a story I was playing around with in the background. A Star Trek story that has absolutely the least amount of meaning in my life. Of all the things I managed to save it was that story. Thank God.

I'm truly devastated. I called my sister and prayed she had a solution, or that her boyfriend did. They didn't and offered their condolences.

Insert : OMG and to add salt to my wound, I already typed this post and when I went to post it I was greeted with this message 'Error while saving'. So now it's two weeks later and I'm retyping it.

I lost all my information. Well now that it's two weeks later I can really look at the situation with a closer and less panicky eye. I had everything on that USB. Over 50 super awesome fanfictions, all my work from work (VALOIS) and all my Scentsy, as well as other random things. So, I had to redo a lot of it.

Scentsy : Most of it was originally on my PC so I was able to email it to myself and reopen it and save it to my laptop desktop until I get another USB. I had to update it dramatically, but I did my best.

Valois : Well, most of my work had been printed so I have at least those copies ... grrr.

Stories : AGH! Well actually they are all on my PC as well, except for the newer ones so nothing updated anyways. Super disappointing but ... not the end of the world I suppose.

I'm still really pissed about it.


1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Is there no computer store you can call like OTV in S'toon that can help you out?