
Sunday, January 23, 2011

30 days of truth ~ Day 12 - Something you never get compliments on.

My problem solving abilities.

I love problem solving. It's like ... real life editing. OMGIwanttosolveyourproblem.

Not therapy problems. Lame. I have no empathy. Or ... is it sympathy? Wait, I think I have lots of empathy, but sympathy ... less. Wait a minute while I google this.

(one minute later)

Ah yes. Turns out I may lack both. Wow, that's too bad. Of course, it may be cleverly disguised as something else. Back to problem solving.

Sidenote : I like instructions that come with something I buy, but regardless I can put it together.

There are so many examples I can give about my problem solving abilities. Trying to heard horses, trying to escape horses, trying to herd AND escape horses. Organizing people and files. Budgets. I love budgets (alright I'll admit sometimes I get lazy on mine, but other people's budgets, awesome.) My dream job was working at the office in Bellevue. I was in charge of these accounts and .... Heaven music .... I was able to problem solve it until I had a ROCKING system going. My boss will attest to that I'm sure. Also. Math problems. I love the new math books. Love math problems. I love math and problems and math problems. I'm good at finding solutions for things or ways around them, sometimes the solution is just harder than the effort someone is willing to give, therefore, it remains a problem. I still solved it.

Interesting fact : I can problem solve anything ... except food. The concept of solving food ... ie making it less spicy or more spicy, juicy or thick ... totally beyond me.

Nobody really recognizes this talent of mine. Except my ex-boss who pointed it out to me when I was working and once afterward when we were done there. Of course, now that you all know about it, I'll  be asked to perform and will just stare at you with ... empathy and/or sympathy.


Yvonne said...

Yay problem solving! I like to think that I'm pretty good at problem solving. I know I used to be really good at it, but the past couple years I've done less and less... And I really don't like it. Good at it, but I don't like it. Like science. And all sorts of other things. Well here is a compliment on your problem solving. *ahem* "Corinne, I really like how good you are at solving problems. Where other people would be confused into oblivion, you make sense of the nonsensicalness!"

That's right. Nonsensicalness.

Corinne Linfitt said...

Fabulous. Also. I would like to point out, Yvonne, that I HAVE noticed you are also a good problem solver. FYI.