
Saturday, June 8, 2019

So much happens in 7 days

Alright, first off, I got my new - temporary - position as director at the place I work at. So that's super cool and already keeping me super busy.

I'm also supposed to be working on an assignment right now but … break time.

Also, also, since the last post those last two eggs hatched out some dark cochins. It will be super cute to see what color they end up since their mamas were white cochins and their daddy was a buff. All three chicks I got from this mix are dark colored. #funright?!

Out of all that hatch I did get 21 chicks (2 were from my own farm eggs).

Hatch number three was put in the incubator last night so it hatches July long weekend (hopefully) and it has replacement layer eggs. The roosters are not related to the hens - not even the same breeds, but should be very interesting little hatchlings! There is also some of Polly's eggs and maybe Pocket's. The last egg Pocket laid though was ginormous and hatched out a non-fluffy legged chick. I either mixed it up somewhere but she had definitely laid a very big egg.

The big, little chicks (7 week old ones) are outside, in a special chicken run - again - after our first attempt resulted in 3 losses to the cats, including William's Darkside polish cross chicken. He's heartbroken but I do have my hands on a silkie x I will try to bring home in the next couple weeks. Gah. He's so bummed. So they are down to 12. I didn't put out the 3 white polish/silkie/mystery chicks because I didn't want to risk losing them.

I also have a broody hen. She was broody last year and quite possibly the year before. She has a blue band on her leg. I'll have to add a band every year she is broody it's getting hard to remember. I let her keep 5 brown eggs thinking she wasn't too serious but when I candled today, with intentions of tossing rotten or infertile eggs out, I found 5 growing eggs around the 5-7 days growth. Alrighty then. She can keep them.

I am still getting almost 2 dozen eggs a day from my chickens. They must be super pleased with all the attention they get and the foot rubs (eye roll) so if you are looking to buy some free-range chicken eggs let me know ;) Technically I get 24 eggs plus a half an egg? Polly's eggs aren't very big at all.

Also - all my cats had kittens and I have no idea where any of them are. At all. I can sometimes hear them but … I can't find them. I keep hoping they'll just bring them out to me but given my somewhat non-friendly attitude towards them they might keep their babies hidden.

#dontblamethem, #butcutebabykitties, #alsogettinganotherrabbit, #donttellcorey

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