
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hatch # 2 and 6 week olds

Phew! It's been a while. I've been busy.

I applied for a new job (kinda?). Our director is taking a mat leave.

But more importantly, hatch #2 is done. I have 2 chicks drying off still, they were stragglers but the official count is 21 out of 32 with one death post hatch and 3 assists. I also put two in cups because they weren't quite done absorbing and that worked pretty good actually.

I got :

4 Buff Orpingtons
2 Crested Polish (2 different colors)
3 Cochins (all three are black but the hens were white and the roosters tan!)
3 Americauna (1 was from my own eggs - he's kinda mean actually.)
3 Australorpe
1 Barred rock (can't tell the difference between any of these guys)
3 lavender orpingtons but one hatched black/yellow
1 booted bantam
1 chick from my eggs that was supposed to be a bantam cochin but is huge and also not a cochin.

But one of the black/yellow ones died and I won't really know which one it was until they feather out.

Time to clean the incubator, sanitize it and get it ready for the next hatch, due to hatch July long weekend.

My other, older chicks are now 6 weeks old and itching to get outside. I don't blame them but need a safe place for them to go. Because … cats … grrrr. Hopefully Corey can rig something up for me. It would just be for a short while because they are growing quickly and will soon be big enough to defend themselves.

Also. I have a great many eggs in my fridge. If you read my blog and would like some eggs, message me and I'll give you a special price instead of our usual 4$/dozen. 

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