
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Moving the broody

It's getting about time for my broody's eggs to hatch. I'm not actually sure when they will hatch because I forgot to mark the date. Whoops.

I have 2 broodies and when I tried to move one early in the sitting she lost her marbles. This time I had a better plan.

I prepared the laying box in the chick coop, it's up high and the babies can't get up there. I put some fresh eggs in there and turned all the lights off. I went over to the big barn, gave her eggs to the other broody to 'babysit' then pulled her out and carried her to the smaller coop. I put her in the nesting box with the eggs, which she looked at, then looked down at the noisy coop. She wouldn't stay in her box. Gah.

I watched her for a while as she ate and drank and eyed up the other chicks in the coop. She was clucking like a mama hen and I thought she was debating adopting some 8 week old chicks or some 3 week old ones haha, but she didn't. I didn't give up. I decided to go switch some cages around and lock her up.

I was pretty confident she would sit in a cage,  but by the time I got back with the cage she was up in the nesting box sitting on her eggs. I just checked on her a little while ago and she was still sitting there.

I'll give her until tomorrow and then move over her eggs and possibly the other hens eggs.

This weekend the 8 week olds are moving outside to their small run. I want to get a better plan to move flocks around. They would be totally fine with my big hens now but it's my cats that have me annoyed and worried. Some of my chicks aren't big enough to be 'scary' but others are big enough to scare me lol. I for sure have two roosters and SOMEONE is crowing already! It's adorable. I haven't caught which little one is crowing yet but I have a pretty good idea.

I will be selling a few of these. They are Brahma crosses and I have what might be a gold laced Barnevelder rooster. Not sure. I really just need a few of these ones to make my flock interesting.

#whoisit, #bigfluffychicks, #needtomakeroom

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